Microsoft Ignite Part 2: A Change Management and Adoption Perspective

During and post Ignite we have been hit with a tsunami of updates and information. I feel like now we are settling in the flood that remains and wading through information to understand what is relevant, what we need to get quickly across and how to find that detail. When attending this conference as a… Read More Microsoft Ignite Part 2: A Change Management and Adoption Perspective

Microsoft Ignite Part 1: A Neurodiverse Perspective

I attended Microsoft Ignite last week in 3 different roles. Firstly, what triggered me to travel to the conference, was representing neurodiversity as an autistic individual. I was asked by Microsoft to lead some table discussions each day as part of the area setup by the Humans of IT community. The second role I played… Read More Microsoft Ignite Part 1: A Neurodiverse Perspective