This is a space where I share thoughts, experiences, and explore topics of interest, much of which comes from my consulting work and experiences along the way. To know more about my work, head to the our Strant Consulting website for services and professional information. Latest blogs surface below, and the full list can be access via the previous posts page.
- How social is your learning?Research has dived into and informed us of the value of socio- cultural theory when it comes to workplace learning for many years. Sociocultural theory focuses on how mentors and peers influence individual learning, but also on how cultural beliefs and attitudes affect how… Read More How social is your learning?
- Authentic = Effective = AdoptionWhen it comes to driving the use of technology and increasing user adoption of products or features, at times it is the learning content that can let a project down. Frameworks like ADKAR have been utilised for many years, with a lot of… Read More Authentic = Effective = Adoption
- 4 Tips for Effective Workplace LearningA major challenge we face when it comes to the technology we use every day in the workplace is keeping across the ongoing updates while over time also evaluating and enhancing how it fits into the ways of working across an organisation. Constant… Read More 4 Tips for Effective Workplace Learning
- Life, Death, & RitalinI originally posted this blog in June 2024, but a while later removed it due to some concerns about sharing too much or being judged. At the time I had realised the last time I wrote and published a blog was October 2022.… Read More Life, Death, & Ritalin